Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Pieces!

For those of you who live anywhere close south west Missouri you already know that we have had an unusual amount of snow lately. Of course I was prepared with groceries, water, and wood, ya know the necessities. However I forgot a couple of things! One being toilet paper which is very important but not really purtenant to the post! Second being SOMETHING TO DO for two weeks! Of course all of my custom orders were in my building which I can not even get in the driveway of! So out to the shed I went. I pulled out some pieces that I had in stock and this is what I came up with.

Finished Buffet

I am not sure why my pictures posted back wards but this is before doors!

This little brown and orange number is TOTALLY out of my comfort zone. I am usually not a fan of orange but I was walking through the paint section at Walmart and saw this warm spicey orange and had to paint something with it. Well this is what came out of that little adventure.

BTW This little number needs a new home ($65)

Thanks a Bunch!


The Dumpster Diva

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Contest Rules

Contest Rules:
1) Suggest Dumpster Divas to your friend who you think will like our work. It can be either here or on facebook
2)Post a comment saying you have suggested us on either site
3) Contest will end Saturday February 12 @ 9:00

All names will be put in a drawing and the winner will be choosen by one of my children! :-)


Long time no see! So sorry it has been so long since I have posted so I thought I would start out with a contest! The mirror will be painted to suit for the winner (winner is responsible for pick)

Dumpster Divas is trying to build our fan base here and on facebook. Please suggest us to your friend! Our facebook site is

Thanks a Bunch,
Lana Leach